
TERROR IN OKLAHOMA CITY : Free Airline Transportation

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United Airlines will provide free transportation to assist families in the aftermath of the explosion. The airline’s assistance effort will include:

* 300 free coach tickets on United’s system.

* Space in the cargo holds of United aircraft for the transportation of emergency relief supplies

* Employees from United’s Volunteer Task Team, who will visit local agencies in Oklahoma City and work with the Red Cross


The Oklahoma chapter of the Red Cross will determine eligibility for tickets and cargo space. The phone number is (405) 232-7121.

Heroic Acts

It sounds like an ordinary act of heroism. Raymond Washburn, who ran a concession stand on the fourth floor of a downtown Oklahoma City office building, was just about to wait on a customer when the building started collapsing around him. He was pinned under a pile of rubble. But when he heard his employee Kim Wallace crying, he says he “pushed real hard at the stuff that was on me and managed to get it up to where I could walk,” and led her to safety--finally. Washburn, who has been blind since he was a child, at first headed toward the front of the building, which had been blown away. Someone directed them to a safe stairwell.
