
Stadium Scheme Foul From the Start

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* It’s very strange that Ventura City Councilmen Jack Tingstrom and Tom Buford and their council colleagues should be working so hard to get Ventura and Oxnard to pony up $15 million for a minor league baseball park. If this were such a hot deal, there would be no problem in getting private investors or having it self-funded like the horse palace at the fairgrounds.

This stadium scheme these gentlemen want to get the taxpayers to fund, along with the other boondoggles (Main Street in Ventura and innumerable projects in Oxnard funded by a City Council that can’t keep the restrooms open in the raggedy parks) makes one wonder what happens when otherwise normal people are elected to office.

We can’t afford to fix the potholes, to fund the schools, provide for the destitute, health care or to resolve the water problems before the next drought, but we can spend money on the circus.



