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* Re “Decathlon Goes to L.A.’s Marshall,” April 24: I took the time with my daughter to visit my alma mater, John Marshall High School. We went to celebrate their national decathlon championship. More important, I took my daughter with me so she could see what a great school looks like. I also went there to thank a guidance counselor and school librarian assistant. Twenty years ago they saved my life.

I wonder how many of the politicians that scream for the breakup of the school district or vote against funding for schools actually went to L.A. Unified schools.

It is time to stop bashing the school district and start supporting it. Imagine if city leaders got behind the district instead of trying to knock it down. Teachers don’t need campaign ribbons but they do need our support. Visit your alma mater. Next year’s decathlon champion or future city leader may greet you.




* Thank you for the excellent coverage of the academic decathlon. As proud parents who attended the event and had an opportunity to talk to your reporter, we were thrilled to return to L.A. and read the stories. A second thank you for your editorial (April 25). In spite of decreased funding, we have students and teachers who rise above it all to achieve new heights.


Los Angeles
