
SAN FERNANDO : Panel Will Not Urge Street Name Change

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Sidestepping a divisive issue, a five-member citizens advisory committee appointed by the San Fernando City Council will not recommend changing the name of Kalisher Street to Cesar Chavez Street in honor of the late labor hero, officials said.

Instead, the committee is seeking the public’s reaction to a new proposal to establish a Chavez memorial plaza near the intersection of two streets in the southern part of town. If approved, the plaza could eventually include a statue of the United Farm Workers’ leader.

The City Council approved changing the name of Kalisher Street in March, provoking an emotional community debate. Some residents decried the change and criticized officials for inadequately surveying public support for the idea. But other residents strongly favored the move.


The dispute led the council to refer the issue to a citizens committee to study options for honoring Chavez. Although the committee could have recommended sticking with the original proposal to rename Kalisher Street, it instead is considering creation of a memorial plaza on a grassy plot near Wolfskill and Truman streets, officials said.

The proposed area, near Recreation Park, also is near one end of a bike path to be built next to the rails and extending from the Sylmar Metrolink Station to Recreation Park.

“(Renaming) Kalisher Street is out, as far as the committee is concerned,” said Howard Miura, director of the city’s community development department. “The committee is thinking in terms of a plaza and a statue.”


Miura added that it is not the committee’s responsibility to design the memorial, but simply to collect comments on proposals and make a recommendation to the council.

The committee will hold at least three community meetings on the plaza proposal; one to be announced at Recreation Park, one to be announced at Las Palmas Park, and a third scheduled for 7 p.m. May 23 at City Hall.
