
Holiday Spirit

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What a lovely holiday (Easter/Passover/Spring) edition (April 9). In the interest of unity and symbols, it would have been interesting to add to Lorna Sass’ history of the Easter egg that Christ’s Last Supper was the Passover meal. Since the egg is used as an important rebirth symbol, as noted in other articles--same edition--isn’t it possible that the custom to commemorate the events came from Christ’s last meal--egg and all?

--B. KAYE, Los Angeles


I read with interest Greta Beigel’s article on matzo balls (April 13). I grew up in Los Angeles and I too have memories of matzo balls filled with fried onions, cinnamon and sugar. No one else I’ve met has ever heard of stuffed matzo balls.

My grandmother was from Kovno, Lithuania. I was wondering if Beigel is from that area of Europe as well. My grandmother also made both matzo balls and potato knedlach for Seder that way.

