
IRWINDALE : 3 Council Members, Including Mayor, Receive Recall Papers : Politics: Card-club vote may be reason for move against Mirandas. Breceda also served.

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Irwindale Mayor Julian Miranda and his uncle, City Councilman Pat Miranda, have been served with recall papers filed by a group of citizens claiming the pair violated their voting rights.

The Mirandas were part of a council majority that recently rejected a petition that would have allowed residents to vote on putting a card club in the city.

In addition, Councilwoman Jacquelyn Breceda, who had voted to put the card club issue up to a vote, was served with recall papers by another group at the council’s Monday meeting.


The recall notice served the Mirandas does not specify whether the gambling issue is the reason for the drive against them. But Pat Miranda said he believes it was his vote against the card club petition that sparked that recall. Julian Miranda was out of town and could not be reached for comment.

The recall notice served Breceda has not yet been filed with the city, said Deputy City Clerk Rosemary Ramirez. Breceda also could not be reached for comment.

The three council members have seven days from the time the notices are filed with the city clerk’s office to respond in writing. After that, recall proponents have 10 days to submit a copy of the recall petition form to the city for approval. Then they have 40 days to collect signatures from 30% of the city’s 750 registered voters to be able to hold a recall election, Ramirez said.


As it has in other San Gabriel Valley cities, the casino issue has polarized longtime residents, who have come down either strongly for or against the idea.

Casino proponents say legalized gambling will generate $2 million to $3.5 million in tax and other revenue for Irwindale, population 1,050. Others say casinos are magnets for criminals.
