
Winged--and a prayer: David Moore has created...

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Winged--and a prayer: David Moore has created a truly updated edition of the Bible--it’s bulletproof.

His pocket-size New Testament has a back cover made of plexiglass and a bullet-resistant film that can resist a .38-caliber slug, he says.

“It’s strictly symbolic,” explained Moore, a San Juan Capistrano computer consultant. “We wouldn’t want anyone to substitute it for a protective vest. But we think it would make an ideal gift.”


Moore calls his $18.95 edition “God’s Armour,” after the passage in Ephesians 6:11, which says, “Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.”

Moore, who has just begun to market “God’s Armour,” plans to introduce it in L.A. at two upcoming gift shows.

In assembling the product, he purchased the Bibles from a Tennessee publisher. And the bulletproof material? “That’s made by a company in L.A.,” he said.




We’ll make sure the carrier boys don’t throw any on the roof: Dave Smith of Camarillo found a fertility ad that was followed by a seemingly related Times ad.


Kids, shield your eyes: After seeing the sign on one school bus the other day, Brian Fairlee of North Hollywood commented, “I’ve heard of the New Math but not the New Spelling.”


Sounds like they need the Dream Team: We hate to see a small business hit a roadblock just as it’s starting to get off the ground. Alas, such appears to be the fate of Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg and David Geffen, creators of the Dreamworks SKG studio.


1/8 They’re being sued for $25 million by Dreamwerks Production Group, a Florida firm that says it has made promos for such movies as “Dick Tracy” and “Batman.” Dreamwerks contends that the trio’s adoption of the name Dreamworks is akin to “commercial theft.”

As for its spelling, Dreamwerks needs to go back to scohol.


We told you so: The Hollywood moguls could have avoided this lawsuit if they had selected one of the names submitted by generous readers in an Only in L.A. contest last year.

The suggestions, you may recall, included:

* The Three Egos

* We Are the World, Inc.

* United Artless

* 800-Pound Gorilla Studios

And the again-available title:

* Billionaire Boys Club.

We might still be willing to provide you with one of those names, guys. Have your car-fax contact our car-fax.

miscelLAny We can see how some husbands, even in this enlightened age, might resist attending a “Home Decorating, Remodeling and Cooking Show,” such as the one playing at the Long Beach Convention Center later this month. Perhaps that’s why the guest stars at the show will include the L.A. Raiders cheerleaders.
