
MTV Launches Another Asia Network : Television: The channel, which follows recent debut of MTV Mandarin, will reach about 5 million sets. Programming is mostly in English.

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MTV, without Beavis and Butt-head, has reached Asia.

The company on Friday launched its seventh international network, MTV Asia, featuring videos from Mick Jagger to Indian pop artist Baba Seghal, and multilingual video jockeys who slip in and out of Hindi, English and Chinese. The mostly English-language music channel will reach an estimated 5 million televisions from India to Indonesia via satellite.

“MTV Asia will be a unique channel that is both inherently MTV and inherently Asian,” said Vinnie Longobardo, the ponytailed senior vice president of programming and production for MTV Networks Asia.

MTV Asia’s launch comes just two weeks after the debut of MTV Mandarin, aimed at Asia’s Chinese-speaking market. The Mandarin channel is scrambled to appease governments that worry about uncontrolled images and information beaming down from the sky.


MTV Asia is unencrypted, but it will be tailored for local tastes and cultural sensibilities, MTV executives say. For example, “Beavis and Butt-head” probably won’t be used because it’s considered too vulgar. MTV Asia will carry “pro-social programming” about the environment and health, as well as supermodel Cindy Crawford’s “House of Style.”

Both channels overcame challenges from Asian governments and a delayed launch due to an exploded satellite. Now they must compete with Channel V, whose programming and personalities were molded by MTV while in partnership with Rupert Murdoch’s Star TV satellite channel. Channel V has built up a loyal following.

“Channel V doesn’t scare us,” MTV President Tom Freston said. “We’re flattered by their very careful imitation.”
