
LOS PADRES FOREST : Camp Restrictions to Safeguard Species

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Citing the need to safeguard a number of wildlife species in Los Padres National Forest, the Forest Service announced Friday that it will impose temporary restrictions on the use of three campgrounds.

The restrictions on the Lion, Beaver and Blue Point campgrounds will be in place before the Memorial Day weekend and remain in effect until Oct. 1, the Forest Service said.

The restrictions are:

* A number of campsites at Lion and Beaver campgrounds will be converted from drive-in camping to walk-in camping.


* The road to Blue Point campground will remain closed indefinitely. Access to the campground by foot or bicycle will be allowed.

* Bilingual signs will be posted to mark sensitive wildlife habitat areas in the three campgrounds and around surrounding streams.

The restrictions are needed to help boost the populations of local species, including the Western pond turtle, red-legged frog, Southwestern arroyo toad and the two-striped garter snake.


The Forest Service also announced that, starting May 27, its district office in Ojai will be open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturdays.

For more information, contact 646-4348.
