
Retain Animal Law

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Your article “Foes Suggest Compromise in Llama Drama” on April 15 stated: “Two opposing groups of residents proposed to the council a compromise. . . . Also, they said, the city should permit residents to legally keep goats, chickens and rabbits, now technically against the law.”

There were many people, including myself, who spoke out at the meeting against any of the so-called compromises. By adding other animals, this so-called compromise would double the current animal density allowed in Simi Valley. A staff report by the Simi Valley Planning Department of April 5, noted, “Simi Valley already has one of the highest farm animal density standards in Ventura County. . . . This is likely to exacerbate the noise, odor and pest concerns associated with this type of land use.”

I believe that most residents would be satisfied to leave the city code alone. It has worked for nearly 19 years. People have the tolerance to allow a couple of extra rabbits here and there.


Hopefully, the City Council and Planning Commission will someday read and understand their own staff report and stop the ridiculous merry-go-round that’s been going on between them and the couple of bad apples in the neighborhood.


Simi Valley
