
Baseball Fans Cautious After Getting Burned by Their Old Flame

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Going to the Dodgers’ opening-night game last Friday, I couldn’t help being reminded of one of my former girlfriends. Just as I was preparing for the World Series of life, she jilted me.

For the first few days, I thought, “Hey, this is just a phase. She’ll be back.” Then, as the days turned to weeks and the weeks to months, just as I was beginning to get used to not having her around, she came back.

Even though she treated me like mud in Bobby Bonilla’s cleats, I came crawling back. But the moment I saw her, all I could remember was how she took me for granted.


I left Friday’s game before the sixth inning. The fact is, I knew it was over long before I found my seat. My relationship with major league baseball is dead.


Los Angeles


So more than 51,000 sheep attended the Dodgers’ opening game. When is the public going to get it? You don’t change a situation by supporting it.

I have attended professional baseball games for more than 40 years. I have seen the decline in quality in all aspects of the business as salaries soared, admission prices were raised and concession costs became ridiculous. I will not pay top dollar for a mediocre product.


Where did you say the replacement players were playing?


Woodland Hills


Overheard in the Dodger front office, just before the home opener:

First P.R. man: “Boy, I think our team is in for some jeering when we take the field tonight. What are we gonna do?”

Second P.R. man: “How about this? Send each player out to his position carrying an American flag. Nobody would boo our guys carrying Old Glory.”

Third P.R. man: “Not bad, but this idea can’t fail. We get a bunch of Little Leaguers and pair them up with each one of the starting lineup and take the field with future members of this honorable profession. Now, who could boo that entrance?”





Fred Claire is just as arrogant as any of the players. Fred says the disillusioned fans will return for a couple of free tickets.

My support and loyalty have to be earned. I don’t trade them for a couple of free tickets.


Temple City


At the season opener at Dodger Stadium, Todd Worrell was booed during the pregame introductions. He is quoted in The Times on April 30 as saying, “I’m not going to let it affect my performance.”





I’m incensed by the report that Don Fehr is circulating a list containing the names of the replacement players.

It’s outrageous that he is vindictively harassing a group of young men who were obviously struggling to support their families while he was fronting for those ungrateful millionaires.

The major league players, to salvage some fan support, would do well to dump the guy and replace him with someone who has more decency and class--like Charles Manson.


Garden Grove
