
A summary of selected City Hall actions last week affecting central Los Angeles. : CITY COUNCIL

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ORDNANCE ORDINANCE: Gave preliminary approval to an ordinance that would require gun dealers to keep records on people who buy bullets at their stores. The 110 gun dealers in the city would have to get identification from the purchasers before they could sell them ammunition. Police plan spot checks at the stores to make sure dealers are complying. Ordinance supporters express hope that it would discourage people from buying bullets. A Police Department spokesman said the record-keeping would enable officers to determine whether those who have been prohibited from buying ammunition because of past criminal records are complying with the condition. Gun dealers failing to keep the records or buyers providing false identification could face misdemeanor charges.

* POLICE HORSE CORRAL: Approved the use of $3,000 from the Equestrian Facilities Trust Fund to provide new fencing, posts, gates and ground cover at the Los Angels Police Department’s Central Corral, which houses the horses used by the LAPD’s mounted units. The facility, located just east of Griffith Park at 3934 Rigali Ave., is home to 32 horses.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. May 14, 1995 LOS ANGELES CITY HALL JOURNAL A summary of selected City Hall actions this past week affecting Central Los Angeles.
Los Angeles Times Sunday May 14, 1995 Home Edition City Times Page 2 Zones Desk 1 inches; 26 words Type of Material: Column; Correction
* CORRECTION: In last week’s journal, the vote on a change in the process for renaming libraries incorrectly listed Councilman Mike Hernandez as being absent. He was present and voted yes.

* POLICE HISTORICAL SOCIETY: Approved the sale of two surplus police cars, one surplus truck and one surplus helicopter to the Los Angeles Police Historical Society for $1 each. The cars (a 1968 Ford wagon and a 1978 Plymouth), the truck (a 1966 Dodge) and the helicopter (a Bell Ranger) will be displayed at the society’s museum at 5636 1/2 N. Figueroa St.



How South-Central and Eastside City Council representatives voted on selected issues.

* NAMING LIBRARIES: Approved a Board of Library Commissioners plan to honor people or corporations that donate $1 million to branch libraries and $2 million to regional branch libraries by adding their names to the title of those libraries. Under the plan, if a $1-million donation is received, 25% would go to the library specified by the donor and the remaining money would go to the Library Foundation, the fund-raising arm of the Library Department, for disbursement to libraries throughout the city. In opposing the plan, Councilman Nate Holden said, “The libraries are not for sale.” And Councilwomen Jackie Goldberg said she didn’t want libraries named after businesses. But Councilman Mark Ridley-Thomas ardently backed the plan, saying, “Any way we can increase support for the library is a way to increase public literacy.” Passed 9-3. Voting yes: Richard Alatorre, Ridley-Thomas, Rudy Svorinich Jr., Rita Walters. Voting no: Goldberg, Holden. Absent: Mike Hernandez.
