
Qazi Uddin

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* I am very impressed and pleased by your news item of April 18, “Class Act.” Nowadays when nothing appears in the pages of newspapers other than terrorism, violence, crime and murder, it is most gratifying to note that we still have people among us like Qazi Uddin, who devotes his precious time and energy to changing the lives of immigrants to this country by teaching them English. Your article states that Uddin arrived in the United States from Bangladesh in 1979 with $10 in his pocket and worked his way up to earn a Ph.D. degree. This country surely needs immigrant like Uddin.

Uddin has set an example of an ideal teacher that is rare in this age. Uddin’s students rented their own classroom and approached him to teach them when their school went bankrupt. Uddin agreed to teach them, although they could hardly pay him anything substantial. This is a classic example of how a teacher can inspire real respect. Our country would be a great one if we had more teachers like Uddin.

I consider him a hero and bow my head in respect for him.


