
Eskimo Pie Settles FTC Complaint: Eskimo Pie...

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<i> Times Wire Services</i>

Eskimo Pie Settles FTC Complaint: Eskimo Pie Corp. agreed to avoid making certain health-related marketing pitches for sugar-free frozen desserts, settling Federal Trade Commission claims that the advertisements misled consumers.

The federal consumer protection agency charged that some advertisements for Sugar Freedom Eskimo Pie gave customers the impression that the desserts were low in fat or calories and that they were endorsed by the American Diabetes Assn., none of which is true.

Eskimo Pie agreed not to misrepresent the calorie or fat content of its products and not to falsely claim that its frozen desserts have the approval or endorsement of any group. The dessert’s name has since been changed to Eskimo Pie Sweetened With NutraSweet.
