
Party Givers Should Consider Neighbors

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Regarding “No Reason to Bust Every Teen’s Party” from May 3, Ventura County edition. The letter was about a teen party that was shut down by police within 1 1/2 hours from when it started.

The letter mentions a live band but does not say anything about the sound level that band was putting out. In most cities, music is considered to be too loud if it can be heard from more than 50 feet away. If the music could be heard from across the street, it would be annoying the neighbors. Not everyone likes the same type of music. If someone was blaring elevator music at 135 decibels there would be some complaints, too.

Just because the neighbors were notified that they would be annoyed does not mean they agreed to be annoyed.


Teen party givers and attendees could make life much more pleasant for everyone if they would think about someone besides only themselves.


