
CYPRESS : City to Computerize Its Record-Keeping

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Saying that keeping records on paper has become a space and cost problem, the City Council has approved spending up to $100,000 for a computerized records-storage system.

The council took the action May 8 after getting a report from city officials on the growing problems of record-keeping.

“The city is responsible for maintaining its permanent records, dating back to the city’s incorporation date,” said City Manager Darrell Essex, adding that many of the permanent records are in file cabinets and boxes in City Hall, the Corporation Yard or under contract at a private, off-site records storage facility.


“Of utmost concern are the older city records, which are deteriorating,” Essex said. “Also, retrieval of documents takes considerable time, depending on the filing system and location of the documents.”

Essex recommended that the council authorize city employees to seek bids for a data imaging system, which would be computerized.

He said such a system would allow both filing and easy access to city records and planning and zoning material. The cost would be about $100,000, Essex said.


The council unanimously approved the request. Their vote authorized city officials to obtain bids for the system.
