
Infant Receives Heart

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My grandson received a new heart today (“Transplant Gives Hope to Baby’s Parents,” May 10). Somewhere, someone had such great love that she/he/they broke free from the grief and anguish of losing a child and donated the heart that child could no longer use to my grandson. It was the ultimate gift--a life.

Intertwined in this event has been the outpouring of caring help from and by the media. Media-bashing may be the vogue, but I saw and heard reporters and news-writers cry. I witnessed their care and distress. They not only came to Matthew’s help, but to that of everyone else, of all ages, who needs a donor organ for transplantation. The splendid article by Nora Zamichow in your May 3 edition being but one example of help--not exploitation--for Matthew and all the other frightened patients and families out there awaiting word that a necessary organ has become available to them. Thanks to all the media.


La Canada
