
Pointing a Finger at the Real Beach Bums

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There were two articles in the May 8 Los Angeles Times, both dealing with beach-related issues.

According to one story, at the end of the San Onofre Beach, in a secluded area, a group of nudists just want to enjoy the sun, sand and ocean (“Secluded Strip of Beach Clothed in Controversy”).

They are a distance away from the main beach area and bother no one. Some busybodies who have their nose out of joint seem to be upset because someone, somewhere may be enjoying themselves.


I believe that the nudists, with their live-and-let-live attitude, should be allowed to continue to use this isolated beach.

The other story (“Surfers’ Battles Over Turf Spoiling Coastal Sanctity”) deals with surfers, really gangs in the water, who will permit no others to enjoy the same public beach. This is the group that must be stopped!

Newport Beach had this problem at The Wedge and now has banned all surfboards. This is the way to go. Now, the vast majority of beach-goers may enjoy the public beach without intimidation. I believe the surfers are entitled to continue their activities, perhaps at an uninhabited beach somewhere in Baja, where they can drink that good Corona beer they want, and will bother no one.



Lake Forest
