
CYPRESS : Dusty Dirt Mound to Vanish in Fall

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An unsightly dirt mound at a housing site should be gone by October, the city’s Public Works Department said.

The City Council asked city staff to get information about the Sorrento housing development, at Ball and Moody streets, after some residents complained about dust from a dirt mound, which they called unsightly.

In a report, the Public Works Department said that the developer, Cypress Homes, is being required to install a storm drain pump station on the land. Until the pump station and drains are completed, the developer is temporarily using a large pit for drain overflow, and a mound of refill dirt is near the excavation, the report said.


The pit will be filled in with the mound of dirt when the pump station is completed, which is scheduled for early October, the Public Works report said.

In the meantime, the Public Works report said, efforts are being made to prevent dust problems. “The dirt mound will be covered by plastic sheeting to prevent any further dust and erosion problems,” the report said.
