
TARIFF TROUBLE: Tuesday’s escalation of the U.S.-Japan...

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TARIFF TROUBLE: Tuesday’s escalation of the U.S.-Japan trade dispute (A1) wasn’t enough to slow down Miller Infiniti sales manager Bruno Duque in Van Nuys. Proving that a good salesperson can turn any situation to his advantage, Duque reacted to reports of looming luxury car tariffs by hammering home a new message: . . . “We say, ‘They might double the price in 30 days. It would be a good thing to buy before then.’ ”

KNOCKOUT IDEA? The hills are alive with the sound of . . . punching? Promoter Mike Goossen plans to open the Valley’s second professional boxing venue in Woodland Hills, where the first such venue opened last year (C7). Goossen’s plan: Transform the Trillium--an open-air venue for tennis and volleyball--into a 3,000-seat boxing ring.

HOT ISSUE: It was bad enough when Mary Kapich, above, lost her ’86 Buick after a bank of electrical transformers blew up and set it ablaze. Then sparks began to fly when the Department of Water and Power refused to reimburse the Reseda woman for the $1,600 she spent on a rental car. . . . “I got hysterical,” Kapich said. But now things are looking up (B1).


BOOK DROP: What if you held a ritual and nobody remembered the words? For about 250 Jewish students who buried sacred books at Mt. Sinai Memorial Park on Tuesday, there was only one answer: improvise. With no record of a Jewish ritual to rely on, the organizers found a theme in the Koran--the 7th-Century scriptures of Islam (B1).

UNDER THE GUN: Rep. Carlos J. Moorhead might want to put on a second pot of coffee at his Glendale district office today. . . . Dozens of members of Handgun Control Inc. will visit the offices of Moorhead and three other California Republicans at noon to urge them not to support a repeal of the federal ban on assault weapons. . . . “California for the first time is seeing reductions in firearm purchases and crime is going down,” said organizer Heather Morse. “Gun control is a part of that.”
