
Company Town : Mel Harris Is Topic A at Sony

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Is Mel Harris, the head of Sony Corp.’s television operation, about to move on?

Speculation has been mounting that Harris, whose contract is up next spring, is pondering a move, possibly to join the new video venture involving Walt Disney Co. and three regional phone companies.

Through a spokesman, Harris declined to comment. But Sony sources say the company wants to keep Harris in the fold and that the rumors may stem from the fact that he has been putting off discussions about a new contract.

* Forrester Research Inc. announced that Josh Bernoff has joined its People & Strategies services group as senior analyst.


* Ken Lindner & Associates Inc. announced the promotion of Karen Wang as an agent in the television news division.

* Hanna-Barbera Cartoons Inc. has named Susan G. Frank senior vice president, succeeding Jed Simmons. Simmons is moving to London to head international operations.

Also announced was the promotion of Alan Keith to vice president of business operations and Chris Glennon to executive director of studio operations. Christopher Jones was named director of Hanna-Barbera Enterprises, a new division of Hanna-Barbera Cartoons.


* William P. Clark has been promoted to vice president of finance for Walt Disney Motion Pictures Group.

* Patrice Nardone was named sales administrator for MTM Worldwide Distribution.
