Gay Weddings
In response to Mike Ausiello’s Community Essay (‘Marital Bliss May Not Require a Bride, After All,” May 17): You are not alone in your desire for a fulfilling marriage that starts with a beautiful wedding. My female spouse and I spent a gratifying and fun year between the time of our engagement and the actual wedding planning and sharing our joy with our friends regarding our intention to be considered a united couple. We were met, for the most part, with a mirroring of our joy.
No one should be denied the opportunity to exchange rings and vows and to attempt with a pure heart to make a lifetime commitment to one’s true love. When we are granted the legal right to marry, we will likely be the first in line to make it official. When asked if I am married, I proudly display my ring, like any bride, and answer, “Yes, I am.” So, Mr. Ausiello, don’t let go of your dream for a beautiful wedding and keep looking for Mr. Right.
Huntington Beach