
Christian Coalition Unveils 10 Legislative Goals

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From Religion News Service

The Christian Coalition, a 1.6-million member organization of socially conservative Christians, has unveiled a 10-point legislative program it is asking Congress to embrace. Here are the highlights of its proposal, which it calls a “contract with the American family”:

1. Religious Equality Amendment

Amend the Constitution to allow religious expression in public places--courthouse lawns, at high school graduation ceremonies and sports events. The proposed amendment does not seek to restore compulsory sectarian prayer or Bible reading in schools.

2. Local Control of Education

Eliminate the federal Department of Education. Repeal Goals 2000, a federal initiative to improve public schools that the Christian Coalition contends establishes “politically correct” national education standards.


3. School Choice

Pass laws that expand parental choice of schools, including voucher programs and tuition tax credits that would provide financial assistance to parents for use at private and religious schools.

4. Parental Rights

Pass a “parental rights act” to limit the government’s role in child-rearing decisions. Defeat the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child, a human rights treaty that the coalition contends interferes with the parent-child relationship.

5. Family-Friendly Tax Relief

Give families with children a $500 tax credit. Make married couples eligible for a tax rebate of up to $145. Expand the benefits of Individual Retirement Accounts by allowing homemakers to contribute up to $2,000 annually to IRA accounts.


6. Respect for Human Life

Put limits on late-term abortions. Reverse Clinton Administration policy requiring states to use Medicaid dollars for abortions in cases of incest and rape. End funding of organizations that provide abortion counseling.

7. Restrictions on Pornography

Protect children from exposure to pornography on the Internet and cable television. M a ke possession of any child pornography a federal offense.

8. Privatizing the Arts

End federal funding for the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and the Legal Services Corporation and transfer that responsibility to the private sector.

9. Support for Private Charities

Enhance contributions to private charities as a first step toward giving them a larger role in delivering social services to the poor.


10. Crime Victim Restitution

Require convicted criminals to make monetary restitution to their victims. Restrict federal aid to prisons to those in states that require inmates to work and/or attend classes.
