
Weekend Box Office : Latest ‘Die Hard’ One-Ups ‘Die Hard 2’

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“Die Hard With a Vengeance,” starring Bruce Willis, took in $22.2 million at the nation’s movie theaters to win the weekly box-office race, routing Disney’s submarine thriller “Crimson Tide,” which dipped to $11.5 million during its second week in release.

Fox officials said the latest “Die Hard” sequel actually beat the 1990 opening weekend of “Die Hard 2,” which took in $21.7 million and went on to gross $116 million at the domestic box office.

A film laced with explosions and gunplay, “Die Hard With a Vengeance” did surprisingly well with female audiences, Fox officials said. Women made up 41% of those who went to see the movie, while 51% of the audiences were over 25 years old, another good score.


In Oklahoma City, where a bomb destroyed the federal building, “Die Hard” also did well, according to Fox officials, bringing in $16,660 in three days at Memorial Square Theaters, $10,608 at Northwest, $9,178 at Windsor Hills, $6,656 at Heritage Plaza and $8,185 at Almonte.

Weekend Gross/ Screens/ Weeks in Movie (Studio) Total (millions) Average Release 1. “Die Hard” $22.2 2,525 1 (Fox) $22.2 $8,777 2. “Crimson Tide” $11.5 2,438 2 (Disney/Hollywood) $37.1 $4,737 3. “Forget Paris” $5.8 1,609 1 (Castle Rock/Columbia) $5.8 $3,613 4. “While You Were Sleeping” $4.5 2,086 5 (Disney/Hollywood) $50.2 $2,163 5. “French Kiss” $3.8 1,754 3 (Fox) $24.5 $2,194 6. “A Little Princess” $2 1,342 2 (Warner Bros.) $2.1 $1,519 7. “Friday” $1.9 883 4 (New Line) $20.4 $2,108 8. “The Englishman Who ... “ $1.6 961 2 (Miramax) $5.3 $1,663 9. “Bad Boys” $1.3 1,460 7 (Columbia) $59.3 $864 10. “My Family” $1 415 3 (New Line) $6.6 $2,512
