
U.S. Embassy in Israel

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* I was disturbed by your editorial of May 12, in which you decide that “this is no time to speak of shifting (the) U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem” and that “if Congress really wants to help the Mideast peace talks along, it ought to promptly and wisely take itself out of the Embassy relocation business.”

Moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem would be consistent with the practice of the U.S. in every other country in the world, which is to locate the U.S. Embassy in the city regarded by the host country as its capital. Of over 180 countries, Israel is the only country in the world where the U.S. Embassy is located in a city not regarded by the host country as its capital.

The site the U.S. is considering for a future embassy is within the area that has been part of the sovereign state of Israel since its founding in 1948, and Israel’s right to this land is neither contested by the Palestinians nor by any other party interested in peace with Israel. The legislation introduced in Congress, which calls for moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem no later than 1999, is compatible with the timetable of the peace process. By 1999, final status negotiations will be complete. Moving the Embassy now will demonstrate support during the period of Israel’s risk-taking for the sake of achieving peace.


Ever since the establishment of Israel in 1948, it has not been “the right time” of shifting the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, Israel’s capital. It is about time we do so!


Huntington Beach

* Re “Keep U.S. Politics Out of the Peace Process,” by Geoffrey Aronson, Commentary, May 15:

The new legislation introduced by Sen. Bob Dole (R-Kan.) requiring the U.S. to move its Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem contradicts the U.S. commitment to the peace process. It undermines the Declaration of Principles, which mandates that the “final status” of Jerusalem is to be determined through Palestinian-Israeli negotiations.


Dole’s action comes as Israeli officials announce plans for yet more land confiscation from Palestinian owners in Jerusalem. This legislation legitimizes Israel’s policy aimed at consolidating de facto Israeli control over the city.

Dole unveiled his bill at the American-Israeli Political Action Committee Conference, underlining the fact that the bill is mainly a transparent bid for support in Dole’s presidential campaign. Dole’s willingness to derail the Middle East peace process to further his own political ambitions should not be rewarded.


Santa Ana
