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In the news: Jay Leno, on former VP Dan Quayle saying he will do everything he can to make sure President Clinton is a one-term President: “I guess he’s going to be Clinton’s running mate.”

Comic Argus Hamilton, on Pennsylvania Avenue being closed to car traffic in front of the White House: “It doesn’t really make the President any safer. The special prosecutors can just come on foot.”

Hamilton, on the National Rifle Assn. convention: “Turns out Phoenix wasn’t its first choice for a site. But Kingman was booked up.”


Comedy writer Leslie Coogan, on HUD secretary Henry Cisneros agreeing to a $49,000 settlement to his former mistress, after already shelling out $215,000 to her: “Apparently, Henry doesn’t understand that he’s supposed to provide housing to more than one American at a time.”

Cutler Comedy Rock Network, on the removal of Connie Chung as co-anchor of the “CBS Evening News”: “It was a rather predictable development. . . . The two had less chemistry than an elementary school dropout.”

* Adds comic Jenny Church: “Connie is so mad, she will no longer let CBS use her biological clock as the intro for ’60 Minutes.’ ”


Comedy writer Stan Kaplan, on the newly graduated, 17-year-old doctor: “Experienced physicians say he’s excellent with a scalpel, but needs more practice with his putter.”

Comedy writer Alan Ray, on Disney buying 25% of the California Angels: “There are already connections. For years the Angels have referred to the World Series as never-never land.”


Police Blotter . . . Comedy writer Bob Mills, on the $5 million in computer chips taken from an Irvine firm by armed robbers: “Police will ask McGruff the police dog to take a byte out of crime.”


New York officers danced naked in, and damaged, a D.C. hotel last week:

* “Most covered their private parts--with their stomachs.” (Ray)

* “Washington police came several times--to investigate complaints and bring more beer.” (Paul Ryan)

* “To make restitution, the New York cops’ bribes will be garnished.” (Premiere Radio’s Morning Sickness)


Here comes the bride . . . Just in time for the big June rush, here are some ways to tell if you’re at a bad wedding, from comedy writer Kevin S. Healey:

* You knew the groom way back, when he was a bride.

* The church has a two-drink minimum.

* You’re told not to throw rice in the delivery room.

* The preacher says, “The groom may now kiss his sister.”


Simi Valley reader Lori Varola’s daughter Sarah, 4, was unusually quiet one afternoon. When Varola asked her what she was thinking about, Sarah reported that she had learned to ride a bike, tie her shoes and blow a bubble. Then, in a worried tone, she asked:

“What else is there?”

* SEND US A LINE: Got a joke or funny story? Send it to Laugh Lines, a syndicated feature, by fax, (213) 237-0732, or mail, Life & Style, The Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles, Calif. 90053.
