
LOS ANGELES : Riordan Signs Tough Law Aimed at School Truancy

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Students thinking about skipping school may soon want to think twice in light of a tough anti-truancy law approved Tuesday by the Los Angeles City Council and signed by Mayor Richard Riordan.

The council gave final approval to the law, which would authorize city police officers to cite students caught playing hooky. The students would have to appear in traffic court with a parent or guardian. The law will take effect in 30 days.

Truants could face fines of up to $50, community service requirements and--if caught skipping school numerous times--suspension of their driver’s licenses.


The policy will allow the courts to assume responsibility for matters now handled by the Los Angeles Unified School District.

The law makes it unlawful for any student under age 18 to loiter on school days from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Provisions are included in the law to allow students excused absences from school for approved doctor’s visits and personal appointments.
