
Isn’t that sweet: A Northern California company...

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Isn’t that sweet: A Northern California company tells us its Courtroom Candy product will be a hit “since most of your readers have a sweet tooth and are watching one of the biggest trials in history.”

Each bag of sweets “features a cartoon caricature of one of the top six key courtroom personalities,” says P.N. Products of Fair Oaks. As Exhibits 1-6, it enclosed sketches of Judge Lance Ito as well as attorneys Robert Shapiro, Johnnie Cochran, F. Lee Bailey, Marcia Clark and Christopher Darden.

Guess the company figures the courtroom personalities will be too busy to sue.


Your witness, Marcia: In the package of literature that P.N. Products sent along, there was this note to retailers:


“You can specify more caricatures than others, but please keep them in even quantities. Example: ‘6 extra judges,’ ‘12 extra judges,’ ‘36 extra judges and no more female attorneys.’ ”

Angelyne, the Billboard Queen: “I’m the first person in the history of Hollywood to ever be famous for nothing,” Angelyne once boasted. No one knows what the mysterious blonde does for a living. But she is the star of some 200 billboards in the Southland.

One of her Pink Corvette poses moved comic Richard Stewart to take pen to paper:

Angelyne, dear, dear, Angelyne,


Your hair so bleached and white,

Your billboards everywhere I look.

Must we see this sight?


A head shot’s fine and does the trick;

A demo tape or two;

But billboard signs and Pink Corvettes?

I wonder can we sue.

I have a plan, let’s make a deal;

More fame for you to sow.


NAFTA’s passed, the peso’s cheap;

Please, go to Mexico.

(Stewart’s solution strikes us as a bit extreme. We’d compromise on San Diego.)

miscelLAny We mentioned the other day that Los Angeles is an anagram for LEGS ON SALE. Elyse Verse points out you can also rearrange our fair city’s name to read: LEGAL NOSES. All the better to sniff out Courtroom Candy?
