
Growth Makes Problems Bigger Too

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* Orange County has come in first in the California population race, as reported on May 12 (“Growth of O.C. Top in State”). An important question must be asked, however. Is this to be considered good news or bad news? We are conditioned to see growth as a good thing, as a driving force for economic development. A booming population means boom times ahead, doesn’t it?

As the county struggles to climb out of a financial black hole, this question merits close consideration. The title of your sidebar, “Reeling in Residents,” is most appropriate. In times past, a booming population often did mean booming economic times. But things have changed.

A growth rate of 1.7% annually doesn’t sound like much, but consider this: At this rate, Orange County’s population will double in about 41 years! If you think we have too many houses and too little open space now, get ready to say goodby to what’s left.


I guess we might look on the bright side. We won’t have to worry about mountain lion attacks anymore since there won’t be any mountain lions in the county. Nor will there be any gnatcatchers, herons, egrets, or numerous other wild things. If we do not change our course, this will be the likely outcome.


