
Put the Focus on Learning--and Safety : Vaughn School’s decision on uniforms may be an antidote for gang rivalry and peer pressure

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We have a strong position on student uniforms or dress codes for the public schools. For several reasons, we support the idea, with only a couple of caveats.

Even though Gov. Pete Wilson has signed a bill allowing school districts to adopt mandatory dress codes or require uniforms, we believe that the decision should be left up to individual schools and parents. It should not be forced on them. But if there is sufficient support from school-based administrators and the parents of the children involved, uniforms should be given a try. There may be great benefits.

That is exactly what one of Los Angeles’ charter schools has decided to do, and it has our full support because of the thorough manner in which it pursued the idea.


The Vaughn Next Century Learning Center, a public elementary school in Pacoima, canvassed hundreds of households. To say that the results were overwhelming almost amounts to understatement. About 88% of the parents said they wanted mandatory school uniforms. Only 10% were opposed, with 2% undecided.

School uniforms are not a cure-all, but they can help in several ways.

Students no longer have to worry about whether they have mistakenly aroused the ire of some gang by wearing the wrong colors. Innocent students and those trying to mimic gangs have been attacked for making such mistakes. The provocative wearing of gang colors by rival groups on campus is eliminated. That can reduce tensions and keep problems out of the school.

Moreover, low-income students no longer have to strive to meet peer-pressure standards in fashion; everybody wears the same thing. Poor parents no longer have to worry about trying to squeeze the family budget with clothing that is too expensive. We’ve heard too many stories of parents who forgo essentials to meet an unreasonable standard of attire.


That’s why Vaughn is right in shifting the focus to learning and away from the many hassles and hazards of fashion and gangs.
