
MARILYN STAMP: U. S. Postmaster General Marvin...

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MARILYN STAMP: U. S. Postmaster General Marvin Runyon and a host of Marilyn Monroe’s movie co-stars are getting ready for the June 1 gala unveiling of a postage stamp in her honor at Universal Studios. . . . Postal Service spokeswoman Terri Bouffiou says Monroe was the second-most requested subject for a stamp, running just behind Elvis. The June 1 release was chosen to coincide with the late star’s birthday, Bouffiou said.

MASTERS OF HORROR: It was a who’s who of horror, science fiction and fantasy. Titans Ray Bradbury, Ray Harryhausen and Forrest J. Ackerman came together Saturday to reflect on the genre they pioneered. About 400 attended the Son of Famous Monsters of Filmland Horror, Sci-Fi and Fantasy World Convention in Universal City and heard the septuagenarians talk about the early days of sci-fi, horror and fantasy . . . before the high-tech wizardry of today. (B3)

ABORTION PROTEST: Anti-abortion activists and supporters of abortion rights clashed Saturday at a women’s health clinic in North Hollywood. The anti-abortion activists were there to challenge a federal law that offers stiff penalties to those who block entrances to health clinics. The man above was one of 25 people--mostly anti-abortion activists--who were arrested. (B1)


THE GRIFTERS: You’ve seen them before. They’re the down-on-their-luck folks whose tales of woe tug at your heartstrings. They are not truly needy, but you don’t know that. Columnist Scott Harris writes about scam artists who know just what to say to make you open your wallet. (B1)

A RUN FOR FRIENDSHIP: Michael Liscio, a Vietnam veteran, recently returned to Vietnam and embarked on a cross-country run from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City. He became a celebrity, drawing crowds of well-wishers. For Liscio, a part-time actor and carpenter, the run was a heartfelt act of friendship. (B1)
