
Rollins Quits as Adviser to Dole Campaign : Politics: His departure comes in the wake of making an anti-Jewish slur that was directed at two Democratic congressmen from Los Angeles.

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From Associated Press

Political consultant Edward J. Rollins has resigned from Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole’s presidential campaign after referring to two Jewish congressmen as “Hymie boys” at a political roast.

“I can confirm to you that Ed Rollins has left,” Dole campaign spokesman Nelson Warfield said Sunday.

“On the 22nd, he forwarded a letter resigning from the campaign to Scott Reed, the campaign manager.”


Rollins had spent less than a month as an unpaid political adviser to Dole (R-Kan.).

Rollins made the slur on May 16 at a roast in San Francisco for California Assembly Speaker Willie Brown.

He said Brown, a possible candidate for San Francisco mayor, really wanted to be mayor of Los Angeles.


“If elected mayor of L.A., he could show those Hymie boys Berman and Waxman, who were always trying to make Willie feel inferior for not being Jewish,” Rollins said, referring to Reps. Henry A. Waxman and Howard L. Berman, both Los Angeles Democrats.


Rollins apologized for the remark soon after it was initially reported.

Two years ago, Rollins sparked an uproar when he claimed that he had paid off black ministers during Republican New Jersey Gov. Christine Todd Whitman’s campaign.

Rollins quickly recanted the story and said he had fabricated it.

In his resignation letter, a copy of which was obtained by the New York Post, Rollins said he was giving up campaign consulting.

“I’m tired of it,” he wrote. “I just don’t want to go through it anymore.”
