
Discards Get New Life With Program

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Wanted: fencing, computer equipment, office furniture, manure.

Available: concrete, roof tiles, scrap wood, manure.

These are just a few of the entries in the new spring edition of Discards Available and Wanted, published by the Ventura County Materials Exchange Program.

The quarterly publication helps local companies, schools and nonprofit groups exchange materials that might otherwise be destined for garbage dumps. The newsletter is sponsored by the county’s Solid Waste Management Department and is distributed at local trade shows, conferences and other public places. Materials listed in the publication are either free or available at a minimal charge.

Since the exchange program and the subsequent publication were established less than a year ago, the number of participating businesses and nonprofit groups has grown steadily, said program manager Lorraine Timmons. The program’s goal is to reduce the amount of trash going to landfills, she said.


“It’s worked out real well,” Timmons said. “It’s very popular because people tell their friends about it.”

For more information about the program or to get on the mailing list, call: 648-9226.
