
Racial Pride Should Not Block Adoptions

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* Diana Beard-Williams’ Valley Commentary article “Adoption Rules Should Not Be Black or White” (June 4) hit the mark regarding placing the needs of the child over racial barriers.

Government should be encouraging parents to adopt a child, regardless of race, color or creed. There are over 60,000 children in Los Angeles County’s protective custody, of which 50% are minority. Our main goal needs to be placing children in loving, nurturing homes with parents, regardless of their ethnic heritage, who will instill values and morals and who will cherish their children as all children deserve to be cherished. Government also has the responsibility for eliminating unnecessary red tape and delays in placing children in foster homes through the adoption process.

We are selling society short by believing that families cannot provide a fulfilling home to children that are not of the same ethnic heritage. It is simply wrong to deter children from being placed with families solely due to racial pride and protectiveness. Growing up with loving, caring parents is a much better alternative than growing up without parents and without a stable source of love and care.



Los Angeles

Antonovich represents the 5th District on the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors.
