
Heartbreak Ridge (KABC Sunday at 8:30 p.m.)...

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Heartbreak Ridge (KABC Sunday at 8:30 p.m.) was directed by Clint Eastwood, who also stars. It’s a 1986 Marine drama about a hellbent career sergeant who frazzles and berates and beleaguers a bunch of raw recruits. (Are there any other kind of recruits in the movies?) The ultimate objective: The Grenada invasion. Remember that one? Eastwood is a big yeller in this one, which is somewhat atypical behavior for him. After all, he made his movie career as the Man With No Name who also was the Man Who Spoke Little. If you’re looking for the Eastwood who directed “Unforgiven,” you won’t find him here. He’s over-the-top here but, then, so is everything about this movie. It’s not without its pleasures, especially if you’re a fan of this genre.

Gung Ho (KCOP Friday at 8 p.m.) Ron Howard directed this 1986 comedy starring Michael Keaton as the guy who convinces a Japanese auto company to relocate in his middle-American hometown and revive the local economy by taking over an abandoned auto plant. The film is about the culture clash that ensues, and, particularly at the time it was made, the subject was one of those ripped-from-the-headlines “high concepts” that many people thought would result in a great, timely satire. It’s far from that, and, especially, after Howard’s “Splash,” the film was a letdown. The supporting cast includes Geroge Wendt, Mimi Rogers, and John Turturro.

If you’ve always wanted to see Sean Connery wearing a long hair and traipsing about the Brazilian rainforest with a screechy Lorraine Bracco, then Medicine Man (KTLA Sunday at 6 p.m.) will satisfy that untoward craving. It’s a hoot of a movie, and colossal hoots such as this one are rare. Connery plays a research scientist who has discovered the cure for cancer in the rainforest; the problem is, he can’t reproduce his experiments. Bracco plays the American overseer who is there to check up on him and ends up, after much annoying bickering, falling for him--literally.


Communion (KTTV Wednesday at 8 p.m.) is Whitley Strieber’s adaptation of his book about earthlings and UFO visitations and things that go kaboom in the night. Directed by Philippe Mora, this 1989 psychological thriller is effectively creepy without resorting to Christopher Walken plays Strieber and Lindsay Crouse is his wife.
