
Married Marines

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* In the June 20 edition I read “Wedding Bell Dress Blues” with disgust and disbelief. Sgt. Steve Williams has been a Marine for 16 years, served honorably in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Somalia, received citations for bravery under fire, and Capt. Kym Scott has been highly rated, with 10 years of service. A combined 26 years of service to the Marines and the United States, and because of a cast-in-iron set of rules that can’t be waived, their reward is going to be getting kicked out of the service.

Yet I just read that the radar officer involved in last year’s “friendly-fire” attack on two U.S. helicopters that killed 26 people has been found innocent on all counts (June 21). A massive screw-up by the mother radar-aircraft and two F-15 pilots, 26 people dead, and no one at this point is being held accountable.

One can only assume that the military justice system is as fouled up as the civil system is these days.



Los Angeles

* That bastion of American values, the Marine Corps, has again demonstrated the topsy-turvy military values. Col. Ollie North walked off with a full pension for a traitorous run at overturning the Constitution and Steve Williams and Kym Scott have their careers ruined for being less than forthright about being married.

Military justice triumphs again! Or is there some inequity here?


