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“This is the last time I’m ever going to tell the truth in an election. We lose when we tell the truth.”

--County Health Care Agency Director Tom Uram, a Measure R supporter

For the record:

12:00 a.m. June 29, 1995 For the Record
Los Angeles Times Thursday June 29, 1995 Orange County Edition Part A Page 3 Metro Desk 2 inches; 46 words Type of Material: Correction
Measure R reaction--A list of quotes Wednesday on reaction to the Measure R election wrongly attributed a comment to Orange County Health Care Agency Director Tom Uram. In fact, it was a Yes on Measure R campaign worker who said, “This is the last time I’m ever going to tell the truth in an election. We lose when we tell the truth.”


“It’s a huge disappointment. We thought the county electorate would take the easy way out, which was Measure R. It’s very unfortunate.”

--Frank Eley, president of the Orange County Employees Assn. and a Measure R supporter


“I would say the voters were extremely upset that the tax was seen as a first resort and not as a last resort. It is somewhat of an indictment of all people in elected positions. I think people are tired of business as usual. People want to see less government and vastly reduced spending.”


--Costa Mesa Councilwoman Sandra L. Genis, a Measure R opponent


“The fact is people are angry at the county, and they don’t trust [officials] to spend the money properly if they granted them the tax increase.”

--G. Larry Engel, an attorney who represents some county pool investors


“There’s no choice. . . . You’ve got to vote yes. We blew it when we hired the guy [former Treasurer-Tax Collector Robert L. Citron], and now we have to pay the piper.”

--Voter Kevin Chartier of Garden Grove


“Measure R was a quick fix. The harder work is now to come.”

--Supervisor William G. Steiner


“I look at it like the county is a child. The voters have to teach them the right way to get out of it. Measure R is not the right way.”


--Voter Ron Stephens, a Laguna Beach real estate agent


“I don’t think Orange County will ever return to what it was, either the structure of government or its reputation as a bastion for conservatism and fiscal responsibility.”

--County Clerk-Recorder Gary L. Granville


“I think [Measure R] is the best way for the county to get out of the bankruptcy as quickly as possible. . . . I’m a conservative Republican and I don’t like taxes. But I think everybody in Orange County will have to pay for this eventually.”

--Voter Jim Wilson of Anaheim
