
Ich bin ein Angeleno!To help out Los...

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Ich bin ein Angeleno!

To help out Los Angeles’ marketing effort, a company donated pens with that snappy new slogan, “Together we’re the best. Los Angeles.” Nice gesture. Even if the pens also say that they’re made in Germany.

TOO, TOO MUCH: A colleague was at a restaurant in Santa Barbara when she spotted a diner with a remarkable resemblance to Nobel laureate Desmond Tutu, the Anglican Archbishop of South Africa.

Oh yes, the name of the place was Tutti’s.

“I thought I must have finally lost my mind,” our correspondent says. “What, after all, would Rev. Tutu be doing in Tutti’s? Then I remembered that he had been in San Francisco at the United Nations festivities.”


Later, one of the servers confirmed the sighting, whispering to our spy: “You know, that is Desmond Tutu. He has the South African accent and everything!”

MAYBE HE’LL GIVE THE CITY A TUNEUP: We’ve always figured that L.A. Mayor Richard Riordan accumulated a fortune because he wasn’t afraid of rolling up his sleeves and getting his hands dirty. Now comes an ad, sent to us by John Suderman of Burbank, which confirms our theory. Of course, in this June gloom, L.A. hasn’t needed any coolant service.

TIME CAPSULE: Joseph D. Fox, who was born in L.A. in 1939, looked at his birth certificate the other day and noticed that the “occupation” sections were quite different for the sexes back then.

For “father,” the form said: “Trade, profession or particular kind of work done, as spinner, sawyer, bookkeeper, etc.”


For “mother,” it said: “Trade, profession, or particular kind of work done, as housekeeper, typist, nurse, clerk, etc.”

ANAGRAM OF THE DAY: Submitted by Fred Scifers and others:


VERDICT BY LICENSE PLATE: We mentioned earlier the white Ford Bronco with the plate that says, NOT OJS. Karen Snyder of Redondo Beach spotted a BMW that declared, IM4OJ.

ACCOUNTANTS RESPOND: Phyllis Anderson of Hemet writes that she enjoyed the dues notice we published from the California Society of Certified Public Accountants--the one that listed amounts of $50 and $10 to be paid. And listed the total due as $70.


She sent it to her son-in-law, Jim Havlena, “who is a CPA with his own income tax business.” Havlena wrote back to her: “How dumb! Any CPA worth his salt knows that $50 plus $10 equals $65!”

miscelLAny Our congratulations to Gertrude and Sam Moore of L.A., who recently celebrated their 72nd wedding anniversary. A remarkable achievement. In case you’re wondering, Gertrude, age 93, and Sam, age 91, still have a ways to go to qualify for the Guinness Book of World Records. The longest marriage on record in the nation was 86 years.
