
Fourth of July : As American as Pizza Pie

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Pizza might not have been invented in this country, but it has become one of our favorite foods. It sometimes seems as American as apple pie. If a lot of people had their way, they’d have pizza every day--even on the Fourth of July.

For these die-hard fanatics--and for the rest of us who are just looking for something different to throw on the holiday barbecue--how about making grilled pizza for Independence Day?

Grilled pizza--that is, pizza cooked on the barbecue, as opposed to California-style barbecued chicken pizza--is one of the most popular items at Al Forno, the Providence, R.I. restaurant owned by cookbook authors Johanne Killeen and George Germon. It’s among the most copied ideas from their book, “Cucina Simpatica” (HarperCollins: 1991), and it’s a terrific idea for making pizza whenever you’ve got the grill fired up.

I’ve taken my favorite pizza dough recipe and adapted it for use either on the grill or in the oven. What follows are a few topping suggestions--but feel free to come up with your own. This is the week, after all, for Independence Day.




Immediately before baking the pizza, place any of these toppings on the dough; add ingredients in order given. Each suggestion is enough for two pizzas.


Top pizza with 2 cups chopped, well-drained canned tomatoes; 1/4 cup finely grated Parmesan or Pecorino Romano cheese; 1 teaspoon dried oregano and 1/4 cup olive oil.


This pizza was invented in 1889 by Neapolitan pizzaiolo Raffaele Margherita of Italy. The pizza echoes the colors of the flag of the newly united Italy: red (tomatoes), white (mozzarella) and green (basil). It is perfect in summer when perfectly ripe fresh tomatoes and basil are in season.


Plunge about 2 pounds ripe tomatoes, either round or plum, into pot of boiling water for 30 seconds. Remove and peel tomatoes. Halve tomatoes and squeeze out seeds. Then chop and drain pulp to equal about 2 cups.

Spread tomatoes over crust. Sprinkle 1/4 cup coarsely chopped fresh basil on top, then 1/4 cup oil. Sprinkle with 1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese.


This is really a focaccia, but it is made with the crust for pizza Napoletana.


Bake pizza crust with drizzle of oil and sprinkling of coarse salt. Result will be thin and delicate, somewhat like flour tortilla in flavor and texture.


Though I am partial to a typically Italian tomato and mozzarella pizza topping, there are many alternatives. The following should inspire you to create your own favorite pizzas, either the thick- or thin-crusted variety. Remember though, too much of any topping makes for a wet and soggy pizza no matter how long it is baked. These toppings are for two pizzas.


Top pizza with 2 cups coarsely shredded assorted cheeses, such as Gruyere, Fontina, Gorgonzola or Roquefort, crumbled, and Parmesan cheese. Drizzle with 1/4 cup olive oil.


Top pizza with 2 cups roasted peppers, cut into thin strips. Drizzle with 1/4 cup olive oil. Add 1 thin-sliced clove garlic and 2 to 4 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese

Note : Can substitute 1 cup crumbled mild goat cheese for Parmesan cheese.



3 cups flour plus extra for dusting

2 teaspoons salt

1 1/4 cups warm (110-degree) tap water

1 envelope (2 1/2 teaspoons) dry yeast

Olive oil

Toppings of choice

The crust-making process described below may sound long, but it really only takes a minute or two. Use this dough for a thin-crusted pizzeria-style pizza. If you double the recipe to make two pizzas, do not double the quantity of yeast.


Place flour and salt in 2-quart mixing bowl. Stir well to mix. Make well in center.

Pour water into small bowl. Sprinkle yeast on surface and allow to soften 3 to 4 minutes. Whisk together yeast and water. Then whisk in 2 tablespoons oil. Pour mixture into well in flour and stir with rubber spatula to form soft, sticky dough


Turn dough out onto floured work surface. Gently knead dough, folding it over on itself, and scraping it off surface with spatula or plastic scraper if very sticky. Avoid adding more flour, which will produce tough pizza. Knead until dough is smooth and no longer so sticky, about 5 minutes.

Rinse and dry bowl. Coat inside of bowl with 1 tablespoon oil. Form dough into ball and place in bowl. Turn ball upside-down so that top surface is oiled. Cover bowl with plastic wrap. Let dough rise at room temperature until doubled in bulk, about 1 hour. For advance preparation, cover and refrigerate dough several hours or even overnight.

To form pizza crusts, generously flour work surface. Flour hands and scrape Pizza Dough from bowl in 1 piece, without stretching or folding, onto work surface so that what was on top in bowl is now underneath. Cut dough into 2 equal portions.

Scatter about 1 tablespoon flour over each piece of dough. Press down on dough with palm of hand, being careful to keep even disk shape. If dough is freshly made and resists slightly, cover with plastic wrap. Let stand about 5 minutes, then continue. If dough has stood long time either in refrigerator or at room temperature, it will respond easily.

Form your right hand into fist and begin to press dough in circle, about 1/2 inch in from edge, with middle joints of fingers (as though knocking on door). Pull gently with other hand on edge of dough, opposite where it is being pressed. Continue around crust 2 to 3 times in this manner to flatten and widen.

Spread 2 tablespoons olive oil onto 12- to 14-inch round pizza pan. Fold crust in half and transfer to pan. Unfold dough and press into place with palms of both hands, gently stretching from center outward. If dough resists, cover with plastic wrap and let stand about 5 minutes, then resume process. When properly stretched, dough should be about 1/8-inch thick with 1/2-inch-wide border which is slightly thicker. Repeat with second piece of dough.



Partially bake pizza crusts on middle rack of 450-degree oven, without toppings, about 10 minutes, or until dough is set and no longer sticky.

Brush oil on surface of crusts and immediately turn each out of pan onto preheated gas or charcoal grill. Cook 2 to 3 minutes or until well browned. Turn dough over on grill and quickly place toppings on already-grilled side. Cover with grill lid or foil tent. Cook 5 minutes longer. Serve immediately.


Set racks at lowest and highest levels of oven at 450 degrees. Top pizzas with toppings of choice. Bake pizzas, 1 on bottom rack and other on higher rack, about 20 minutes. Then reverse positions and move pizza from bottom rack to top and vice versa. When done, pizza top should be sizzling gently and bottom should be dark brown.

To serve, cut pizza into wedges with pizza wheel or serrated knife and serve immediately. If pizza stands, crust may become soggy and reheating may make it hard rather than crisp. Be sure that oven has preheated sufficiently before baking pizza.

Makes 2 round pizzas, 12 to 14 inches in diameter.
