
Designated Drivers

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* Re “Designated Driver Programs May Neglect Costs of Alcohol,” June 20:

Through inaccuracies and omissions, your article presents a misleading assessment of the designated-driver concept, undercutting its important value in keeping drunk drivers off the road:

Your reporter cites an unsubstantiated concern that designated-driver programs might inadvertently encourage abusive drinking by the driver’s companions. However, a new national study, conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health, lays this concern to rest. Among college students, the use of designated drivers actually results in a net reduction in binge drinking on campus. This is because, among students who usually binge-drink, 47% abstain when they serve as a designated driver and an additional 23% limit themselves to a single drink. I shared these findings with your reporter.

The article leaves the erroneous impression that the designated-driver campaign does not include a moderation message aimed at the driver’s companions. The campaign places great emphasis on a moderation message. The article claims that a “backlash” is developing against designated-driver programs. However, an original handful of critics has actually declined in number over the past several years, and their views have long been reported in the press.


The designated-driver concept has three key strengths: It promotes a social norm that the driver does not drink any alcohol; grants social legitimacy to the nondrinking option; and encourages people to plan ahead when they go out.

Former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop put it well in The Times in 1992: “Don’t drink if you have a problem with it. And for those who don’t have a problem, drink only in controlled moderation. The best thing that could happen in that area is an absolute commitment to the designated driver.”


Associate Dean, Harvard School

of Public Health, Boston
