
Avocados Help Cut the National Debt

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The article “ . . . And Thank You for Your Support” (June 25) overlooked some agricultural businesses and industries that utilize government funds to add value.

I work for the California Avocado Commission, which represents 6,000 growers. We are one of the smaller recipients effectively and efficiently utilizing the USDA’s Market Promotion Program.

Our growers are being driven out of business by high labor expenses, increased water costs, competition from subsidized countries, diseases and now the threat of opening the border to pest-laden Mexican avocados.


Yes, we have received MPP funds to advertise our fruit in Europe and Asia. We have matched these funds with our growers’ money to promote California avocados in the global marketplace. At the same time, we contribute our part to lowering the nation’s trade deficit. That’s why the MPP works. It is one government program that truly increases trade and generates jobs.

California is the third-largest avocado-growing region in the world. The MPP avocado program generates U.S. tax revenue and provides valuable jobs and nourishing food. Our growers help to reduce the federal deficit.

