
Helms on AIDS and Homophobes

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* Sen. Jesse Helms wants to reduce federal AIDS funding because the disease was brought on by “deliberate, disgusting, revolting conduct” (July 7).

Should we also cut back on medical care for smokers who bring on lung cancer by deliberate, disgusting, revolting conduct? (Ironically, the federal government with Helms’ hearty approval subsidizes tobacco!)

How about medical problems caused by obesity? Better yet, why not just cut all federal medical aid and let the GOP market forces determine individual fate?



Los Angeles

* As a volunteer at AIDS Project Los Angeles, I regularly observe compassionate, dedicated, overworked staffers providing services to more than 4,000 people with AIDS. The number of clients grows every year. For Rep. Robert Dornan to follow in Helm’s footsteps and declare that this country spends too much on AIDS is sheer nonsense. This country would have a far smaller AIDS epidemic on its hands had the federal government properly funded prevention education efforts early on.

I’m sure many Orange County voters would join me in urging Dornan to get off his soapbox about AIDS and homosexuality and do something meaningful for his district and the country.


Studio City

* Recent comments by Helms that AIDS research should be cut because people with AIDS are, to him, degenerates cross the line from stupidity or even cruelty to outright evil.



West Hollywood

* In Elaine Minamide’s column “Sticks and Stones and Homophobes” (Commentary, July 9), she portrays herself as being victimized by homosexuals who call her a homophobe simply because she is morally opposed to homosexuality. Gays and lesbians do not care what her fundamental moral beliefs are so long as she doesn’t impose them on the rest of society. Homosexuals are not trying to redefine morality as she claims. They are just trying to prevent their own victimization by those who feel compelled to legislate their own personal interpretation of Bible-based morality.


West Hollywood

* Allow me to offer The Times a long overdue congratulations for resisting its incessant and blatant pro-gay bias by publishing Minamide’s revealing article. She correctly exposes the bully and intimidation tactics of the militant gay-rights activists.

I hope this is the beginning of balanced reporting on the controversial issues of homosexuality and gay rights.



Long Beach

* Bigotry, no matter how subtle or well-disguised, begets bigotry. I have ministered with homosexual people for over 25 years. I have drawn close enough to know their pain and grief, fears and joys and the terrible dilemmas they face all their lives. I have studied and publicly explained and defended the Catholic Church’s teachings on human sexuality and sexual practices. My experience has taught me that most homosexual persons do not generally object to any religion’s teaching on homosexuality. What receives a violent reaction is the use of religious doctrine and the Bible as weapons used to shame, to blame, to separate and exclude homosexual persons from friendship, respect and justice. Rigidly applied doctrine unaccompanied with compassion seems to reveal self-righteousness, unresolved sexual conflicts or ignorance of the complexity of the reality of homosexuality.

Unless religious people are willing to name and own their own injustices and fears and repair the damages they have done, their doctrines will fall on deaf ears and will fuel the same treatment on them as they inflict in others--sticks and stones. Let the one without sin cast the first stone.


Director of Ministry With Lesbian

and Gay Catholics

Archdiocese of Los Angeles

* I agree with Minamide on one of the 34 points she made. Bigots exist. She admits to having “friends or relatives” who are gay, yet in the same breath she confides that she does not approve of their lifestyle. Why would anyone have friends who disapprove of them?

As a member of the least tolerated group of citizens in this country, I have been verbally bashed three times this year alone. Albeit, my assailants were probably more bigot than they were Baptist; it’s a problem we as a community deal with daily. I’m sorry if it hurts to be categorized as a homophobe, Elaine, but it hurts equally to be categorized as “immoral.” Let’s both stop the labeling, shall we?


Garden Grove
