
It’s All in Fun at ‘Beachwood Palace’

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What has all the corny zeal of a community talent show as re-envisioned by first-rate comic actors?

It’s “The All New Beachwood Palace Jubilee Review,” a great bet for late-night fun at the Acme Comedy Theatre. This first-rate spoof of variety acts features regulars from Acme main-stage shows and occasional guest performers doing their renditions of the worst singers, stand-up comics and novelty acts since “The Gong Show.”

The performers include a bowling-ball juggler (David Beach), a bird whistler with a penchant for jazz (J. Keith van Straaten) and a housewife-turned-stand-up-comic (Audrey Rapoport) whipping through her flash cards in an increasingly desperate search for a funny line.


Barry Saltzman plays the clueless, painfully earnest host buffeted by the inevitable problems that go with amateur performers. His duet with Kate Flannery, turning the Police’s “King of Pain” into a lounge number, is a camp classic. For a change of pace, Brad Sherwood plays a pompous high school teacher who mistakenly wanders in to prepare the audience for an upcoming test.

Frequent guest Nora Dunn (formerly of “Saturday Night Live”) starred last week in an intentionally horrendous skit about gun-toting tough girls and provided a high-energy Liza Minnelli parody (“Forbidden Hollywood’s” Christine Pedi is still the Liza champ, though).

Potpourri comedy like this is usually a mixed bag, but here the ratio of belly laughs to misfires is extraordinarily high.


* “The All New Beachwood Palace Jubilee,” Acme Comedy Theatre, 135 N. La Brea. Saturdays, 11 p.m. Runs indefinitely. $5.99. (213) 525-0202. Running time: 1 hour, 20 minutes.
