
NAACP Finds Lavish Outlays by Past Officers

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From Associated Press

An audit released Thursday found that some NAACP officers squandered about $150,000 on personal trips, clothing and children’s toys at a time when the civil rights organization was plunging into debt.

Myrlie Evers-Williams, chairwoman of the board of the National Assn. for the Advancement of Colored People, announced the findings after meeting with board members.

The audit focused on Benjamin L. Hooks, executive director of the NAACP for 15 years; the Rev. Benjamin F. Chavis Jr., who replaced Hooks in 1993 and was dismissed last year after spending $300,000 in NAACP money to settle a sexual-discrimination and harassment lawsuit, and William F. Gibson, longtime chairman of the 64-member board.


The report said Chavis charged $32,459 to the NAACP for such items as clothing, children’s toys and plane trips for relatives. Chavis is negotiating the final amount and pay-back of about $25,000, Evers-Williams said.

The report found that Hooks had $5,000 in undocumented trips that may have been personal but was owed $16,000 in back pay and benefits, to which the $5,000 would be applied, Evers-Williams said.

Gibson had the highest amount of questionable spending--$111,930.

Hooks appeared on the dais with other dignitaries during First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton’s speech to the group Thursday, the convention’s last day. Gibson left early, and Chavis was not present.


The First Lady told delegates that President Clinton is committed to affirmative action to fight discrimination in American society.
