
Conservative PAC

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* Judging from your July 4 article “Conservative PAC Entering Local Campaigns,” our Independence Day freedoms are becoming more endangered as that group strives to replace freedom with the “Golden Rule”--that is, “them that have the gold will make the rules”--doing so by buying school board, city council and state legislative elections.

If billionaire Howard Ahmanson’s fortune is to bankroll the California Independent Business PAC, as you say, women will lose their right of choice, more people will lose their life because the PAC loves guns, more people will be taught to hate (gays), and religion won’t be a problem because we will all do what their God says. Their God, of course, speaks only to conservative, wealthy, straight males, who then tell the rest of us what to do, when and how.

Clearly, if we want to keep our freedoms of speech and religion, we Californians need to beware and unite against this crowd!



