
Another reason to go on living: Plans...

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Another reason to go on living: Plans for the O.J. Trial of the Century Cruise are sailing right along. Several guest stars have been signed for the Sept. 8-11 cruise from L.A. to Baja California, including law professor Stan Goldman, a commentator on the trial. We find Goldman’s participation disturbing. Can the world get along with one less O.J. commentator for four days?

Another guest will be Michael Knox, ex-O.J. juror and author. Presumably, the cruise line has signed up a guest alternate in case Knox doesn’t work out.

When they’re not soaking up knowledge, passengers will be able to participate in a mock trial and deliver their own three-minute closing arguments.


For relaxation, they can work on the O.J. Trial of the Century Word Activity Book, featuring an O.J. Trial Crossword Puzzle.

Best of all, when the voyage is over, passengers will be allowed to discuss the case.

If they can still bear to think about it.

LIST OF THE DAY: We’re going on vacation for two weeks to teach at a journalism workshop for high school students at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. Over the years, many workshop grads have become professionals (including your columnist).

Being high school kids, though, they also come up with some unintentionally funny lines. Here are some excerpts we’ve collected from editorials on capital punishment:


* Many people who are given the death penalty are not worthy of it.

* What could be more cruel than sending electricity through the body, something which would probably make Benjamin Franklin toss out his kite?

* An eye for an eye and an ear for an ear.

* Shouldn’t this money be spent on things like educating our children, improving life for the poor, even building another Disneyland?

* A killer doesn’t deserve to be put on payroll.

* Crime has been a part of America since Columbus discovered it in 1492.

* So you live it up while you’re on Death Row--you know, beat up a few guards, enjoy all that prison underground life...


* It’s about time the Supreme Court stopped twiddling its thumbs and playing with its robes.

* Give the murderer a chance to diversify.

* What right do we have of snatching somebody’s life from under their noses?

THE KIND OF THING YOU DON’T SEE IN DUBUQUE: Sara Meric spotted a license plate in Santa Monica that said: OCASTME.

WONDER IF WE SHOULD TELL THE BOSS?David Wentink’s photo of a front-lawn warning sign, which was published in this column months ago, was picked up by the tabloid National Examiner. The sign said: “Attention Dogs!!! Remember when you were a puppy and to housebreak you, your owner would shove your nose in it? Please inform your master that next time you do your business in my yard, he/she will receive the same experience.” Signed: “Woof.”

miscelLAny The Daily Shoot Sheet, a schedule of films being made in the L.A. area, listed one group whose name was misspelled as the Mighty “Morphine” Power Rangers. Parental supervision advised. Meanwhile, we’ll leave you on your own until Aug. 7.
