
The Wanda of It All

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According to Strunk and White’s “Elements of Style,” “the breezy style is often the work of an egocentric, the person who imagines that everything that pops into his head is of general interest and that uninhibited prose creates high spirits and carries the day.” What a perfect description of Wanda Coleman’s “The Short Goodbye” (On the Town, June 11).

“Usta”? “Our fave Hancock Park Thai hang”? “Huz”? “My Stompin’-ground rib-and-sweet-tater stop”?

Gregory A. Dobie

Los Angeles


My dry cleaner just relocated; my husband, Fuzz, can’t find the cereal with the itty-bitty jujubes in it at the supermarket, and once I ate at an ethnic restaurant. May I please have a regular column in the Los Angeles Times Magazine?


No? Well then, may I ask you to consider turning the job over to any of a host of talented African American L.A.-based women writers? With all the talent around surely you can find someone who can (a) write, and (b) write columns that are not, in the main, pure drivel.

Leonora Holder

Long Beach
