
Gingrich Drops Hints in Iowa on Potential Race

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<i> From Associated Press</i>

House Speaker Newt Gingrich packed in the GOP faithful Monday in Iowa, the leadoff caucus state next year, and dropped a reminder that it’s not too late for him to make a bid for the presidency.

Gingrich said his turnout, including 1,000 people at a $100-a-plate breakfast, “certainly didn’t discourage me” from thinking about a run for the Republican nomination.

He said he is taking it all “with a grain of salt” and spoke of a “Colin Powell effect” involving high interest in people not actually in the race.


But he suggested that none of the announced candidates have yet energized the electorate.

Monday’s visit was the second Gingrich has made to a key early presidential state. Earlier this summer, he traveled to New Hampshire, where he had a face-to-face session with President Clinton.

Gingrich’s stated reason for being in the state was to raise money for two Republican congressmen, Greg Ganske and Jim Nussle.
