
Obituaries - July 26, 1995

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* Edgar C. Reckard Jr.; Chaplain, Professor at Claremont Colleges

Edgar C. Reckard Jr., 75, chaplain and professor of humanities and religious studies at the Claremont Colleges from 1958 to 1972. The Presbyterian minister was known for his civil rights activities in the 1960s, registering black voters in the South and serving as president of the Claremont Coordinating Council. He was named Claremont Citizen of the Year in 1967 and received the Pomona Valley United Nations Assn. Human Relations Award in 1968. Reckard served as president of the National Assn. of College and University Chaplains, chairman of the Faith and Order Commission of the Council of Churches in Southern California and chairman of the first Pacific Southwest Conference on Faith and Order. Born in Huntington, W. Va., he studied at Yale, Cambridge and Edinburgh universities. Before coming to Claremont, he taught and served as chaplain at Brown University, and afterward was a dean and president at Centre College in Danville, Ky., and a consultant. He retired to the Pilgrim Place retirement community in Claremont in 1989. On July 18 in Pomona of a stroke.
