
CLUB REVIEW : Troubadour: It’s Still a Class Act

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Just what does it mean to be a “great” club?

It starts with a personality who’s always on hand to look after the customers. In the Troubadour’s case, it’s manager Lance Hubp, who stations himself at the West Hollywood venue’s door as the evening begins--aiming to trouble-shoot before any trouble even begins.

Unlike such venerable rockin ‘n’ rollin’ competition as the Whisky, the Coconut Teaszer or the Roxy, where you generally don’t know who’s running the place, the Troubadour makes things easy. If there’s a problem with ticketing, the valet or a blotto customer, Hubp’s got it covered.

In addition, when you walk into the Troubadour, you get just the Troubadour--it’s not some other club that’s just renting a stage, a dance floor and a bar. This is no small feat in clubland, an arena with an increasingly short attention span.


The Troubadour is easily the best club in town to go to when one of your favorite bands is performing. It’s got a terrific stage, great sound and a comfortable balcony, and it’s not a sweat factory--one can actually breathe at a sold-out date here. The music is getting more diverse all the time, ranging from punk to folk. Beginning in September, Sundays will be dedicated to country music, a big transition from its metal days of yore.

* The Troubadour, 9081 Santa Monica Blvd., West Hollywood. All ages, cover varies. (310) 276-6168.
